Monday, June 21, 2010

Picture Explanations

My internet was being wonky so I couldn't write anything next to those last pictures, but I'll sum it up now:
The bottom pictures is from LBJ, the hospital where I'll be working (once I finally get my final IRB approval, ugh!). The middle 3 are from an amazingly beautiful hike I went on with friends Christin and Krista. The land is owned by a Samoan family, but the government pays them so that it can be used by the public for free. Apparently this is not enforced, because the crazy grandpa of the family tries to charge $5/person to get in. Luckily Christin has done this before and we were able to get by just offering smiles and 2 cans of corned beef which we brought along as bribing material. As usual in Samoa, it rained hard and briefly at random points during our trip, but I managed to get a few shots when the sun was out. The top picture is from a beach bar called Tisa's that we went and hung out at on Sunday afternoon. They have amazing piƱa coladas and a nice sandy area. It's on the east side of the island, so I got to see some of the scenery on that side, it's much more natural and pretty than the middle section. So while I'm super frustrated about my IRB delays, I've found some pretty awesome ways to distract myself!

1 comment:

  1. What beautiful distractions. Maybe IRB approval will take a few more days. (Honestly, I hope you can get going soon).
